Financial Independence · investing

February 2021 Portfolio update: portfolio up to 156.000 EUR (+29.000)

Much has changed in a very short time since my last update:

  • My total portfolio went up to 157.000 (+29.300 EUR)
  • I experimented with some Crypto (small amount)
  • I invested another large chunk into ETFs
  • I bought my first two stocks: Palantir and Galapagos

I am managing to invest so much because I am moving large amounts of money from my savings around to my savings account. At the same time for asset value the stock market was not a good place to be in this month. I wouldn’t say its a bear market but for sure the market took a turn for the worse as we saw a what I would call so far is a market correction. Not a very big one yet.

I don’t think this correction means we are at the end of the bull run. If this bull run market would stop now, we would be in the shortest bull run market in history. Typically a bull run market lasts about 3 years, so that makes me believe we are only at the start and not at the end.

There is a lot of positive news in the air to justify the bull run. The coming months more and more countries economy will emerge from the covid lockdowns. Especially in Europe the market has not yet fully recovered from before Covid so there is a lot of growth potential there.

The first countries already emerged, for example in Israel more and more is allowed already, and this brings hope for other countries who are vaccinating.

So generally I have a positive feeling about life and the stock market.

In my personal life I enjoyed both the cold in February to go ice – skating as the warmth to go for my first racebike ride of the year! Compared to February last year I am more fit right now then in any February.

Alright enough stuff about my life lets go and check how much my portfolio dropped or increased.

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My Portfolio

Unlike last post, I have now decided to keep all ETFs together rather then separating my house fund from my other ETFs. I track them separately so I am able to distinguish if it turns out I need to pull funds from there to purchase real estate.

My Portfolio has increased to 156700 EUR (+28993). This is mainly because of extra investments. I will keep investing additional cash into the market the next months, although the amounts will drop. My cash position is about 31% compared to all my investments (real estate + liquid portfolio), which is to large. I will be slowly moving this amount (partly) to the stock market.


The core of my long term strategy is ETF‘s. I currently ow 4 ETFs all having a huge spread worldwide over multiple sectors:


February started off great for my ETFs, but the last week a big market correction made them end on a negative note. What we can see is that ETFs purchased 1 year ago have given me the 7-9% profit, so from that perspective it appears like the long term strategy is successful.


I purchased two stocks this month:

Galapagos (GLPG)
Palantir (PLTR)

You can click on them to find out why I chose those stocks. Yup they dropped pretty much instantly after my purchase but I am in this for the long term so that’s fine.

Real Estate

I currently owe one apartment that I purchased in 2010 for 135.000. I got it re-estimated in 2020 at it was valued at 185.000 EUR.


I have decided to update my list with my startups and give a brief status update.

Just one of my startups posted an update in February (Heron Track), which just showed the Startup is performing as expected.

So far 2 of the startups I invested in in spreds have gone bankrupt and one was bought out for a really nice amount (WeGroup). A fourth one is on the verge of bankruptcy and I expect that to happen Q1 this year.

Right now I have 2200 EUR still active in startups.

I am using Spreds to purchase these startups.

Check out this post if you want to know how you can invest in startups.


After Tesla decided to purchase some BTC I felt I should also invest 1-2% of my portfolio in Crypto. I am still puzzled about this market as I have seen my portfolio be 50% in profit at one point and 20% loss at another.

Extremly volatile is how I would describe this market for now.

I invested in one token called TheGraph after Forbes mentioned it in an article. It’s basically used to query quite a few of the bigger blockchains outthere.

I have not decided yet if I will be here long term. The main issue I see right now is the lock up expiration that will happen in about 1-2 months. On the one hand if the lock up does not result in huge sales it could bring Graph to a new all time high. But if it does, then it could mean it is going to a low.

Peer to Peer

I am left with only 5 peer to peer investments: 1 active peer to peer investment (Crowdestor), and with 100% of the funds in recovery (Mintos and TFGCrowd) and 2 where I am trying to recover some funds trough legal action.

I managed to sell another project on CrowdEstor in the secondary market. I now only have 4 projects remaining. If I manage to recover half of what I have still in now, I will have recovered my principal.

For Mintos I was lucky that Monego got paid back to I was able to withdraw another 170 EUR there. The only money still in Mintos right now is from Capital service. There is a three year pay back plan that was set in place to pay back the investors. If this works my venture in Mintos will also have been profitable.

For TFGCrowd I continue to struggle to withdraw cash.

I am in several law suits. One with Grupeer where I am being represented by Ellex and part of the Grupeer Armada. Contact them on Telegram here

I am also in a law suit with Kuetzal, where I am represented by Magnusson. Look for the Telegram group “Kuetzaldiscussion” to find the armada there.

Retirement funds

I decided not to update my retirement funds all the time since for most of the funds I get an update just once a year, so I will update it also just once a year. This is from end of 2020. I will update it again in December 2021.

The Blog

My blog had similar traffic as last month, which I think is great since this month has 3 days less. Its amazing to see I have reached 2k page views 2 months in a row.

With 156 visitors from search engines another record was broken! And this in a very short month! I also have a large amount of regular users who recur.

Over 2k views in February 2021!

Thank you all for your support!

Wins / losses this month

  • Increased traffic from Google
  • Total Portfolio grew with 29.000 EUR

What blogs are coming up next?

  • I do have some inspiration for future blogs so stay tuned for more, one blog would be explaining why I decided to allocate 1-2% of my portfolio into Crypto

I will also post a savings rate update soon! Subscribe and make sure you don’t miss any of my monthly portfolio updates!

6 thoughts on “February 2021 Portfolio update: portfolio up to 156.000 EUR (+29.000)

  1. Very nice progress, it’s good to see that your money is being put to good use 😉

    And congrats on the progress with your blog. You are improving step-by-step.

    Liked by 1 person

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